Many have requested a reposting of some of the resources that I made available back in 2010 on my wikispace. I will load these up for a short time, over the next few blogs.
I have also been nominated for a blogsite competition outlined below.
"The Fascination Awards are an annual collection of the web’s most inspirational and thought-provoking blogs and are nominated by our editorial team and voted on by our readers.We know that all blogs are not created equal, so we want to recognize websites that go above and beyond, providing truly engaging content for their visitors. Bloggers can nominate their favourites". \
Goodnight Mr Tom

This novel remains a universal favourite, used in both Primary and Secondary Schools. Many resources are available but they tend to be suitable for Primary school age students. There is much less available for teenage students and yet it works very well for that age group as well.
I have used it for a conceptual unit entitled 'Changing Worlds' where the focus is on how individuals adapt and cope when the world they were familiar with undergoes massive transformation. The text enables the study of real events that can inform understanding of the complexity of human relationships. The characterisation and themes are accessible and validated by the wealth of historical resources that are available to bring that period to life.
Brilliant documentaries and archival footage and images exist along with eye-witness accounts. Study can involve webquests, podcasts, visual literacy and the evaluation of other non-fiction, primary evidence texts.