It has been a while since I have posted anything and thought it was about time that I updated what I am up to.
At the TTA workshops that I have been giving for the past few years, schools have often asked for site based workshops that would cater specifically to the HSC texts that they are studying. This has proved really successful with not only 'Belonging' workshops for students but half day sessions with teachers and students for Extension English courses or Advanced Modules. Regional areas have been particularly keen to take up this option, as it is difficult to get to the University and other workshops that are more readily available to city students.
Professional Development workshops can be costly in time and money for schools. Until more online courses become available, school based workshops can be a more cost effective alternative. Since they can also cater to students or teachers, depending on the numbers involved, costs can be minimised as travel and casual hire costs can also be saved. Workshop booklets and workshop resources are designed to for students in preparation for the HSC exams.
To make this option easier for teachers to access, I have set up an online site for teachers to express interest in organising school based workshops that suit their particular needs. I have also started making some junior and senior resources available for purchase. This site is still being constructed but it will be interesting to see if it will help address what teachers are looking for with the implementation of the National Curriculum. I have included hotlinks to TTA to see the range of courses available and to Phoenix Education for those who seem to be having trouble getting copies of books such as 'Exploring Genre - Murder Most Foul'.
If you are interested, take a look at:
I would welcome any feedback or suggestions. It is still very much in an infancy stage so don't expect too many bells and whistles.
If there is sufficient interest, I might even resurrect the English Ning I set up a couple of years ago as a place for teachers to share resources and ideas.
Hope you are all enjoying the Easter holidays and not too exhausted with Year 12 or junior marking.