Friday, May 11, 2012

Film Study Guide Sites and Web 2 tools

“A film is a world which organizes itself in terms of a story.” ~ Jean Mitry

Even if you are fully prepared for teaching a particular film, it is a good idea to check what is available on some of the many study guide sites that can be found. Some of the best guides that can be found are available from filmeducation. The following two show the range and quality that can be found. 

Quite a few study guide sites can be found such as the following:

Other sites include:


Excellent guides on films such as 'Once were Warriors' and 'Whale Rider' can be found along with some of the less known but equally good texts to do in the classroom such as "The World's Oldest Indian".

Other sites for using ITC and improving student film literacy skills include:      (lots of Web 2 ideas and tools)