Numbers have also climbed a little for the March 20th, 'Science Fiction' TTA workshop. Some useful video clips have been posted on the ning site for clarifying genre context. I will try to cover several modules and electives and welcome input from other HSC teachers relating to topics they might be teaching.
http://stannerscircle.ning.com/I have set up a wikispace for my 2010 classes and students are starting to familiarize themselves with it. There is a huge range of ability with regards to computer literacy and so will load some simple video tutorials for how to use powerpoints, podcasts and blogs to help those with only basic knowledge. I am amazed and inspired by the technological expertise and teaching strategies exhibited on so many educational wikispaces and blogs, here and overseas.
Found an excellent 'War' site with a vast range of quality quotes useful for triggering class discussion. http://www.hickorytech.net/~leighp/warisstupid/.
Matched with evocative images and an inviting format, students are encouraged to continue reading. A good homework task would be to get them to choose 10 quotes that most appeal to them and have them deconstruct why and how and then write a reflection statement outlining a more informed view of war.
Bye for now, back to school prep.