Typography courses look complicated and so I have cheated and just googled what typography clips are already available online for subjects such as poetry in general or set poets. Students have also posted famous speeches from films such as 'V for Vendetta' or '2001 Space Odyssy' or 'Blade Runner' or rhetoricians like Winston Churchill or King. It really helps students to focus on the words, phraseology and intonation involved and for this reason is particularly useful with poetry.
It is an easy way to spend hours looking for video clips but sometimes you can come up with some gems such as this one which works well for the HSC 'distinctive voice' module elective as a trigger for establishing the focus for examining the power of voice within text.
Hope you enjoy these and start hunting for your own. You could also make it a class project, put students in groups to look for suitable clips for poetry, drama, famous speeches or whatever. You can then have discussion as to which ones are the best and why. A fun way to explore language and how it shapes meaning and audience response.
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