There is a mass of material available for '1984' and dystopias in general but less of any real substance for 'V'. Think this unit will be an interesting one to teach.
If you are looking to do a critical study of text, there is a New Zealand teacher who offers detailed study guide/film deconstruction material, including 'V' at the following site. Her range is extensive and well worth a look.
Almost finished my holiday marking but still have a lot of work to do on Term 2 preparation.
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”~George Orwell
Hi Barbara, I was just wondering if you would mind sharing your V for Vendetta overview? I found your blog when looking for a review of the Artemis Film resources (which I found - thank you!). I am desperately trying to put resources together for a unit of work and I am struggling! I am looking forward to attending your 'Hamlet' TTA session later this year! Thank you.