Term One will be even more hectic than usual this year with teachers facing even more demands on their time. Re-programming to suit National Curriculum requirments and resourcing the 2015 HSC round of English texts will take up most any KLA time at school. I have decided to spend this year concentrating on writing this year as well as running a few TTA workshops for staff and school-based workshops for students. While I will not be in the classroom very much, I can empathise with the changes that English teachers will be faced with.
The list of TTA workshops for 2014 at the moment can be found on my blog page at:
This website is still under construction but hopefully will be finalised soon.

Phoenix Education will be publishing a new round of Teacher Resource books for the new 2015 texts later this year and next but this term, there will also be a new text I have worked on for the past year called 'Exploring Asian Voices'. I have included a wide range of text types and catered for different ability levels for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Some more challenging of the texts including 'The China Coin' are suitable for studnets in Year 10 and Baillie's novel is also included on the 2015 ESL text list.
Student or staff, school based workshops can be specifically designed to suit school needs, depending on location and cohort sizes. particular curriculum subject matter, including National Curriculum resources and programming.
Email me for further details: barbara.stanners@internode.on.net