Tuesday, May 1, 2012

English sites for the classroom

I am busy preparing this terms Teacher Training Workshops and so will just post another few  sites for English teachers to look over today. 
Term 2 Topics and Dates:


7th - Module B Advanced - speeches
14th-Module B Standard - 'Witness'
15th-Module B Standard - Wilfred Owen
21st-Module B Advanced-'Hamlet'
28th-Extension 1 Genre - Science Fiction


Would also like to get some feedback about the ones you have found useful and how you have used them effectively in your classroom. 
Blogging can inform, arouse interest and promote two way communication with other teachers as well as be an effective tool in the classroom.

Some new sites to evaluate today include:

Embedr allows a video playlist to be created which can be embedded  with one embed code. This would be really useful when setting a series of videos for students to view and or assess for studying a film text such as 'The Boy in Striped Pygamas' when you might only certain scenes compared or contrasted. You could also highlight different filmic techniques or show the ways in which a cinematic style such as 'Film Noir' can be represented in different ways. Those who have reviewed Embedr indicate that it is fairly easy to use and is compatable with a ton of video-hosting sites, including TeacherTube and Edublogs TV .

Embedit.in this is another tool to use when you might be having trouble uploading files or things onto blog or websites as I was finding recently. It lets you upload any file or url address, and then create an embed code for it so it can be embedded.

Hipero describes itself as being “The easiest Free Website Builder ever!” I tend to prefer Weebly but this one is possibly easier to use. There are quite a few that are available to trial. Check out:

Will find some other ones to upload for tomorrow.

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