Monday, April 30, 2012

More 'Goodnight Mr. Tom' resources

I am having trouble with the new blogger format at present and so have loaded up the Sliderocket multi-media presentation for GMT on my wikispace-clunky compared to a website but at least you can view it from there until the current blogger problems are remedied. 

What I like about Sliderocket is that it is a user friendly way to embed video and audio into ppt without having to fiddle with all the codes and so on. It is costly to some of the freeware that is available but it provides a large online repository of presentations in case of computer meltdown.
There is simply so much that is available to teach this text. Hope you find this presentation useful and while on the wikispace site, check out some of the primary evidence resources also available.
Will hopefully get some of the glitches fixed up with this blogsite-please bear with me. 

Today's English web tools and sites

Poetica: Poetry Podcasts from the ABC.

Coloribus: Advertising Archive:
Get the creative buzz with Coloribus - the world's biggest ad archive. More Than 2,000,000 Print and Outdoor Ads, TV and Viral Commercials and Global Winners Showcase.

Electronic Books and Online Reading: Explore online reading including interactive stories, articles, and books. Involve readers in writing stories including adding to stories, writing new endings, creating illustrations, and facilitating discussions.

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