Thursday, April 15, 2010

'V for Vendetta' wiki page is up and running

Finally created this page on my wiki and loaded some basic material that you are free to look at and use. I am sure it will fit very well with '1984' which is the comparative text I am using in preparation for HSC Module A next year.
I will be looking at it as an exemplar text for both dystopic and revenge tragedy genres.
The importance of context will be a prime focus with totaliarianistic oppression clearly the driving motif in both texts.
Hope you find some of the material of benefit. Another rallying call if you are teaching the HSC English courses or about to. Take the plunge and join my HSC ning and contribute resources you have found useful.
Introduction to 1984.ppt
This offers a detailed contextual framework for the novel. There is also a study guide.

Prelim Comparative Unit: '1984' and 'V for Vendetta'

Thought I would give the program and a few other resources for this unit as it seems to have interested a few visitors to the site. The program is only a rough guide and could be easily modified to suit student ability and teacher preference. This can be found on my year 11 wiki page:
There is a mass of material available for '1984' and dystopias in general but less of any real substance for 'V'. Think this unit will be an interesting one to teach.
If you are looking to do a critical study of text, there is a New Zealand teacher who offers detailed study guide/film deconstruction material, including 'V' at the following site. Her range is extensive and well worth a look.
Almost finished my holiday marking but still have a lot of work to do on Term 2 preparation.
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”~George Orwell