Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For all those teaching 'Goodnight Mr Tom'

So many of my visitors seem to be teaching 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. Since I have moved onto another unit and my class wiki resources have been removed, I thought I would put as many of my effective resources for this novel/changing worlds unit onto my general wiki. Hope you find them useful.
I found it a fantastic novel to teach-accessible but moving. As one boy said after we finished the unit by watching the film, 'That was the best film I have ever, ever seen'. Given that he was 13 years old, I think that says a great deal.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

'V for Vendetta'

If you are teaching 'V for Vendetta', you must take a look at these two mini documentary clips that offer a brilliant analysis of the contextual underpinning of the film. They include film clips and interviews with the cast that also highlight the film's use of symbolism and dystopic conventions.

Following the link to Chum Media education, you reach the following website which has a wonderful range of useful media literacy resources. If you scroll down to the bottom, you will come across a Thai Pantene Advertisement which is well worth a look. Works as an effective 'belonging' text.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dystopia Comparative Study

What a great introductory lesson!

Overviewed my new comparative module linking '1984' and 'V for Vendetta' as dystopian texts. Class dicussion mapped out the conventions, tropes and motifs of genres in general, moving into the area of sub-genres and what keeps genres popular. Students really got caught up by this and the fact that I refused to define what 'dystopia' meant as the idea was that they were going to define the term themselves instead.

Students were told that they would be shown a compilation clip with accompanying song lyrics using images from three dystopic films. They were to jot down ideas triggered by the images and lyrics. The clip was shown twice and then we brainstormed their ideas.
What was amazing was that they came up with 25 of the major dystopian ideas and were able to substantiate their ideas. They could also prioritised their importance and their impact within the clip. When I then showed a document listing the most typical conventions of dystopian texts, they were pleased to recognise so many of their own ideas.
A simple approach but a goldie which left them keen for where the unit would be going next.
Given that many are admitting that '1984' is heavy going, I will continue with the idea of using 'V for Vendetta' first. I have two excellent doco clips that analyse the film well and will use that before beginning the film itself. With some many affected by excursions of one type or another in the next few days, it is a good way to maximise the effectiveness of the wikispace as they use it to catch up with what they miss.
For your benefit, the two docos can be found on my wikispace, 'V for Vendetta' page and the basic Dystopic genre conventions on the class wikispace. The clip referred to above is called 'The Good Soldier'.

Hope you find it works for you as well as it did for me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

'V for Vendetta' wiki page is up and running

Finally created this page on my wiki and loaded some basic material that you are free to look at and use. I am sure it will fit very well with '1984' which is the comparative text I am using in preparation for HSC Module A next year.
I will be looking at it as an exemplar text for both dystopic and revenge tragedy genres.
The importance of context will be a prime focus with totaliarianistic oppression clearly the driving motif in both texts.
Hope you find some of the material of benefit. Another rallying call if you are teaching the HSC English courses or about to. Take the plunge and join my HSC ning and contribute resources you have found useful.
Introduction to 1984.ppt
This offers a detailed contextual framework for the novel. There is also a study guide.

Prelim Comparative Unit: '1984' and 'V for Vendetta'

Thought I would give the program and a few other resources for this unit as it seems to have interested a few visitors to the site. The program is only a rough guide and could be easily modified to suit student ability and teacher preference. This can be found on my year 11 wiki page:
There is a mass of material available for '1984' and dystopias in general but less of any real substance for 'V'. Think this unit will be an interesting one to teach.
If you are looking to do a critical study of text, there is a New Zealand teacher who offers detailed study guide/film deconstruction material, including 'V' at the following site. Her range is extensive and well worth a look.
Almost finished my holiday marking but still have a lot of work to do on Term 2 preparation.
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”~George Orwell

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Great 'Schindler's List' site

Home - Schindler's List
Lots of wonderful resources that could be used for a film or thematic study. This site provides a wealth of material on other teaching units. Well worth a lengthy visit.

So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.”

That line from Willy Wonker should become the teachers' mantra.
With only a week left, it is the crunch time for fitting as much as possible into the time remaining until term resumes. The pile of marking that is the curse of English teachers is probably the biggest hurdle for most - every term I pledge that I will set less or mark more creatively.
There are some very imaginative resources available from TES at the moment, including some interesting ideas for using poetry clusters.
Have enjoyed preparing material for a Dystopian comparative unit using 'V for Vendetta' and '1984' with my Prelim class. After setting the contextual framework, I will begin with 'V' to ensure that the students finish reading the book that should (ha, ha) have read during the holidays. The unit will hopefully establish many of the ground skills needed for the Module A comparative 'Frankenstein' and 'Blade Runner' unit.
Would still like more teachers to begin using the HSC english ning that I have set up. The need for high quality resources still remains the biggest, single issue with teachers that I work with at workshops and at school. So another call to combine forces.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Welcome break!

Term 1 has been productive but hectic, a shock to see that a month has passed since my last blog. 'Murder Most Foul' is published and the 'Science Fiction' workshop went very well.

It is now time to prepare for the next round of units. Any Term 1 resources on my school site will need to be downloaded before next week when they will be removed in readiness for new units.

I will probably be removing/reworking some of the material on my other sites as well.

Have not had as much input into the HSC ning site as I would have liked. Lots of visitors but no-one has posted any new material. Will see how it goes this coming term but a lack of time seems to be a major stumbling block for most teachers.

I will be concentrating on Dystopic and Satiric texts with my seniors and drama and documentaries with my juniors and will post interesting resources as they are developed or are found en passant.

Hoping you enjoy the rest of your break,
