Monday, September 3, 2012

Spring Rejuvenation

A momentary pondering of how quickly the transition occurs from winter to spring, almost as if a switch has been pulled and everything suddenly shifts pace. The video clip is a timely reminder for dealing with the frenzied pace of a term that is a particularly arduous one.Spring and the accompanying holidays it brings offers a temporary respite from marking and lesson and resource preparation. As the term draws to an end 
NSW teachers should be able to access details regarding 7-10 curriculum content  and give some thought to the degree of change it offers. Concerned by the current heavy workloads and after nearly four decades of teaching I am convinced that despite the cyclical call for change in content and methodology, the basic recipe for success in the classroom remains stable. Sound teaching strategies remain valid whatever the altered trappings that might surround them.  

The workload itself remains the biggest hurdle, enhanced by current news reports of teaching standards once again becoming a political focus on how to lift educational standards. We can only hope that sound common sense prevails and that teachers will not be expected to take up an Orwellian  Boxer, 'I will work harder' stance. Educational outcomes are governed by many things besides those areas that teachers can directly control. As a close friend advises, the trick is to somehow find balance.  

The holidays and the garden beckon.
Good luck for those teachers with HSC students.


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