Thursday, April 12, 2012

Using Web tools in the classroom

Teachers offer lots of advice about the many web tools that are available for classroom use. The enormous range, especially with graphics, are particularly useful for English teachers. Most of us are familiar with wordles and the many aps that can be used to really get the students interested in visual literacy. It also tends to raise the standard of the finished product.
I have become fascinated with what can be done with typography which brings the visual manipulation of text to dizzying heights. It can be especially effective with poetry as the
following clip shows.

I will endeavour to post some excellent Websites for English teachers each blog. Most of us do 'Macbeth' at some stage as well as visual literacy with Stage 4. The following sites have some good ideas.

* Virtual Macbeth:
Foul whisperings, strange matters - a Second Life treatment of Macbeth.
*Film Site:
Cinematic terms: a film-maker's glossary. In order to be knowledgeable about
film-making, the vocabulary of film studies and the techniques of cinema, some
of the most basic and common terms must be defined. Illustrations are provided
with many of the terms, to help describe them more fully.
* Visual Literacy in the Classroom: Students today live in a multimedia world. Everyone can benefit by developing their abilities to create, use and evaluate visual resources.
*Shakescenes: Video clips of scenes from Shakespearean plays.
*Wired 14.11: Very Short Stories: A collection of stories using only six words.

Will get back to learning how to better use web tools. Even Coles shopping bumpf has barcodes now that enable you to watch online cooking classes via your phone. Where will we be in ten years?

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