Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Term 3 Snapshot
Where has the time gone - last entry in late April?
We seem busier now than at any other time I can remember in over three decades of being in the classroom.
Another Year 12 cohort is about to leave and while shortcomings will always exist; many of them are (at last) making sound preparation for their upcoming exams. Prelim classes are about to begin and so the cycle continues. Technology has however, drastically altered the methodology I use. There is an amazing range of communicative tools now available, a timely reminder our students are from a social media rather than a pen and paper generation.

I will leave you with some words of wisdom from the Bard.
"If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work;
But when they seldom come, they wish'd for come." (King Henry IV, Part 1, Act 1, Scene ii)

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