Friday, April 8, 2011

Term One Survived!

Time to Recuperate before preparing for the next.

I also intend to do a lot of organisation of files, resources and stock. During the term itself, things just seem to accumulate in the paper war teachers constantly wage. I have enjoyed preparing for both classwork and TTA workshops during first term but like so many other teachers now need to look at the next round of HSC and Prelim texts such as 'Billy Elliot' and 'An Inspector Calls'. A lot of material exists for both texts which helps but there is always too much to do in the time permitted. Have started the process by putting some extra material onto my website to sell off some excess stock. I also intend to go through all the Crime Fiction novels I have used for Extension English as I have far too many to store. If interested, check out the website:

I think the 'Into the World' works really well with students for it is one that they can really identify with. The conceptual scope is broad and the texts on offer are accessible. Songs and poems frequently deal with transitions and rites of passage in life and some of the best song lyrics and clips I have used at times to introduce the module include the following:

'Deeper Water' by Paul Kelly

'22' by Lily Allen

'Fast Car' by Tracey Chapham

Such texts can be 'read' on several levels, making them suitable for a wide range of students. They can also be used just as readily for 'Belonging'. Back to relaxing.

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