Saturday, July 24, 2010

Goodbye StannersCircle ning

Well it was good while it lasted but the new Ning costing structure makes it non-viable to maintain my HSC resource site. Since the end of July is the deadline, I suggest that you visit as many nings as you can to see if there is anything of value. A brilliant extension site created by P.Heggaty is available on Romanticism. My site is more varied but has far less on it.
Preparing for my upcoming 'Hamlet' and 'Crime Writing' workshops beginning in Week 6. We are expected to get through so much in these demanding courses and then there is the development of student writing skills. A huge array of material is out there but it needs to be sifted and refined to fit the syllabus criteria. Here are a couple of sites that might be of use with 'Hamlet'.
As the Trials close in, good luck to everyone trying to get through the last sections of the course before the marking sets in.

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