Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bunkered down

The rain has set in, leaving horses shivering, leaking roofs and a return of wintry chill in the air. Will post some other 'war' resources that might be useful for the classroom with various age groups.

Frank Hurley's photographs are an interesting resource because many of them have been constructed from different composite elements in order to increase their dramatic impact. It shows how 'war' can be represented in different mediums. When contrasted to the artworks held in various galleries around the world and readily available online, the composer's purpose can be evaluated as well as the effectiveness of the techniques and genre features used.
An excellent selection of W.W.I. posters, a commemorative online artwork exhibition along with some of Frank Hurley 'The Mad photographer' can be found at the following website. Scroll down on the left hand side to see what is on offer. it is a treasure trove of resources:

Still don't know if anyone has found this blog yet apart from my friends. It will be interesting to see what happens once I manage to link it to my other sites.


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