Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'Crime Writing' new book to suit new text list!

'Murder Most Foul' Crime Writing Over Time' is nearing completion. In the process, I have found a great site that has over 100 images from a production of 'The Real Inspector Hound':

Usefu in the absence of having your students actually seeing a production.
You could do a lot with these shots from the play - Hope you enjoy them and find them useful.

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Romanticist resources

Romanticist Poets: John Keats
Below is a Voxopop site that has students giving audio explications for 'Bright Star'. These are of varying quality but could prove very useful for students to listen to. Audio clips be found on my wiki page at:
stannersenglishmatters wikispaces



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crime Writing - New edition to suit the 2009-2012 text changes

Am busy at the moment completely overhauling the 'Crime Fiction' Genre book written for the previous text list some years back. Enjoying the process but as always, am amazed at how long it takes to do the research, drafting and editing. I had hoped to have this Ebook version ready by Week 8 but it will probably take longer given the changes. The digital format allows greater flexibility as it will be downloadable as a PDF file. Some extension resources are already available on my wikispace page.
Back to Sherlock, the quintessential detective.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A touch of Romanticism today - too sunny for War

Thought I would play around with some Romanticist images today, needs speakers.


Monday, October 26, 2009

First World - Propaganda Posters: Germany

First World - Propaganda Posters: Germany


Website listed above has some excellent W.W.I. posters and other material.Possible Student Tasks:Compare the emotive appeals that have been used as well as the persuasive and propaganda techniques. Evaluate by choosing TWO posters from opposing sides and annotate closely and sum up the main differences and similarities in a grid.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bunkered down

The rain has set in, leaving horses shivering, leaking roofs and a return of wintry chill in the air. Will post some other 'war' resources that might be useful for the classroom with various age groups.

Frank Hurley's photographs are an interesting resource because many of them have been constructed from different composite elements in order to increase their dramatic impact. It shows how 'war' can be represented in different mediums. When contrasted to the artworks held in various galleries around the world and readily available online, the composer's purpose can be evaluated as well as the effectiveness of the techniques and genre features used.
An excellent selection of W.W.I. posters, a commemorative online artwork exhibition along with some of Frank Hurley 'The Mad photographer' can be found at the following website. Scroll down on the left hand side to see what is on offer. it is a treasure trove of resources:

Still don't know if anyone has found this blog yet apart from my friends. It will be interesting to see what happens once I manage to link it to my other sites.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


The teacher's unit of work posted yesterday had a fairly good cross-section of analytical and imaginative tasks. Doubt however that the 'Paintball' type excursion would be possible in Australia due to be easy to age restriction. As a creative response trigger however, it could be effective as most students could imagine the situation well enough.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to War

With regards to suitable novels for war genre study, thought back to what I had taught to Stages 4 and 5 and remembered 'Goodnight Mr. Tom' and 'On the Beach'. There are also such perennials as those that deal with apocalpytic themes such as 'Children of the Dust', 'Taronga' and 'Tomorrow When the War Began'. Some sites give an excellent overview of the ways in which war themes have changed over time. Some of the best are listed below for you to take a look at and file for future use.
War Resource Goodies

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ihave put some extra material on the wikispace for teachers to make use of. Would welcome feedback about how it works in the classroom. Could also post material from other teachers as a sort of communal resource pool to make everyone's job a little easier.

My new genre book 'Science Fiction' should be published today or tomorrow and I am very excited about getting my copy. I like the colours and design of the cover.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

With regards to 'War', I tracked down two of the recruitment clips I have used successfully in the classroom. The Americans have a very different approach to the recruitment strategies used by the British or Australians.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a learning curve!!!!!!!

You will have to bear with me while I master some of the basic editing skills.
I did however manage to get an old PPT uploaded so feel free to use it. All for today - I need a technology break.

Destruction Of War

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

ENGLISH matters!
from a teaching perspective

What I am working on at present
As usual, ten things at once! Most importantly however, I am beginning to collate suitable material for a Preliminary Course 'WAR GENRE' unit.